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Power-assisted bicycles and human memory

by Vy Nhat on Jun 08, 2023

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Neuropsychologist Boris Suchan explains how memories are stored in the brain playing an important role in answering the question: "Why don't we forget how to ride a bike?" and “Is cycling good for the human brain?”

Most of us learn to ride a power bike in childhood. But as we get older, many of us stop riding power bikes and put those beloved power bikes in storage. Years later, when we discover these “relics” and jump on them, we can still steer the bike without losing our balance as if we were cycling every day. Are we smart enough to remember an event for decades?

This is surprising because our memories make us recall in so many other circumstances, such as remembering the name of a place or a person we once knew or where we put our keys. . So how can we ride bikes when we haven't done so in years?

As it turns out, different types of memories are stored in separate regions of our brain. Long-term memory is divided into two types: inductive memory and permanent memory.

There are two types of inductive memory: Memories of experiences like the day we started school and our first kiss are called event memories. This type of recall is our interpretation of an episode or event that happened. On the other hand, practical knowledge, such as the capital of France, is part of semantic memory. These two types of inductive memory content have one thing in common - you perceive knowledge and can communicate memories to others.

However, skills such as playing an instrument or riding a bicycle are anchored in a separate system, known as permanent memory. As the name implies, this type of memory is responsible for performance, is used to remember repetitive movements or actions, and sometimes has an effect almost like natural reflexes. For example, as we cross the street, we automatically remember to look both left and right; or raise your hand to prop it up if a foreign object enters the body.

There's a good reason why studies show that our neural activities improve after cycling - it's all due to the 'white matter' in our brains. White matter, found beneath the surface of the brain, acts as a conduit that links different regions of the brain together - like a subway system in the brain.

Evidence from a 2014 Dutch study over a six-month period found that people who cycled regularly increased the integrity of their white matter. This boost helps your brain function more smoothly, which is great for any problem-solving you may be faced with at work.

Let's be clear, memory is only a "necessary" condition, but "not enough" to ensure intelligence or not. In other words, smart people need to have a good memory, but a person with a good memory is not necessarily smart!

Therefore, cycling is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to exercise both their mind and body. But choosing a bike that can accompany you on your training journey is also a difficult job, however, Bike2school with the most enthusiastic and dedicated staff is always ready to advise and help you. get close to your destination.

The ADO E-Bike is a solid companion in urban living. We create products that provide a great driving experience on complex traffic conditions such as bumpy, rocky and uphill. All ADO products are designed to be environmentally friendly and comply with environmental guidelines.