Urban areas in Vietnam have seen an increase in demand for electric power-assisted vehicles in recent years. An overview of the demand for personal vehicles in general and 2-wheel electric vehicles in particular is given in this article.
According to survey results around the world, students are the biggest users of electric two-wheelers. Power-assisted electric vehicles are more and more popular with users in terms of feel and attitude. In which safety is the most concerned, followed by vehicle size. In addition, style and speed, ease of loading and smooth operation are highly appreciated, so the world is expected to explode the trend of electric power-assisted vehicles in the future. Let's learn about this trend with ADO E-bike!
Power-assisted electric vehicle concept
Bicycles powered by an electric motor with the help of a foot pedal are called powered electric scooters.
Engine power, top speed, and the presence or absence of pedals are the main factors used to distinguish between power-assisted electric cars and electric motorcycles.
Product Features
Two versions of electric powered scooters are available: a scooter-style that is primarily powered by an electric motor and, like a regular bicycle with pedals, additional batteries, and an electric motor (electric motor), which can do both. function concurrently. This electric scooter uses an extremely powerful electric motor and has a small, rarely used pedal.
The current situation of using electric power-assisted vehicles
User object
According to the results of a survey of 180 students in Hanoi who ride an electric scooter, 71.7% of women and 28.3% of men use this vehicle. Next is the age group from 18 to 22 in terms of rate (80.4%) (8%). Most students in middle school, high school, university and college use electric bicycles. Older and retired people rarely use the Internet (1%). 90% of students and workers ride electric bicycles, followed by a similar percentage of office workers, laborers and housewives (3%).
Compared with 16% of respondents who rarely use them, 84% of respondents regularly commute to work using electric power assist vehicles.
74.5% of respondents use electric cars to go to work, 29.2% to school and 43.10% to shop and entertain. Going to the gym and other activities accounts for only a modest part.
Most young people who are still going to school or work ride electric cars. These are also items that people often need to buy for entertainment. Young audiences include people who love to explore and innovate, and are open to new and cutting-edge technologies.
In addition, they are the ones willing to accept the dangers of emerging technologies. The tram can also be used for short trips to the store and to school.
ADO D30 . electric power assisted bicycle
Product reference:
Vehicle characteristics
48.6% of respondents use electric vehicles in the country, 44.9% use foreign cars and 6.5% are uncertain about the country of manufacture. The number of domestic and international vehicles are comparable. This may be because the majority of CBU cars in the country import components from outside for assembly. In fact, 100% of synchronous components from abroad are imported for domestic assembly into imported cars.
ADO E-bike is the leading used car brand. Brands with a strong foothold or market penetration are favored. So far, customers have preferred Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese electric vehicle brands.
Electric cars cost from 8 to 12 million dong, accounting for 60.1%. Over 15 million dong, accounting for 10.1% of the price, from 12 to 15 million dong, accounting for 17.4%. Only 11.6% of the total e-bikes sold in Vietnam cost less than 8 million VND. As a result, buyers mostly drive good or better quality cars. The quality and service of a car's warranty is often correlated with its price.
Hanoi consumers care more about quality. 27.5% of respondents said that they drive high-quality cars that cost at least VND 12 million. Although the quality is higher, only households with a higher income can afford it at a high price. More and more people are buying high-quality cars.
Vehicle use time
Respondents typically use electric vehicles from six months to three years. 7.2% of those surveyed have used it for more than three years. Users aged 6 months to a year make up 23% of the population, those aged 1 to 2 years are 25%, those aged 2 to 3 years are 20%, and those under 6 months are 24%. As a result, in the past three years, people have seen a lot of interest in electric bicycles.
In Hanoi, the field of two-wheel electric vehicles is also experiencing a sudden growth. The number of cars is increasing every year, although at a fairly steady rate. This is likely a result of year-over-year growth in student enrollment.
Important attribute
Users prioritize safety above all other considerations, then size. The least important factors are speed and design. Young people who like speed and fashion have also paid the most attention to the safety of this vehicle. Traffic safety awareness among young people has increased when they drive electric vehicles, while focusing on the health, flexibility and maneuverability of vehicles due to their small size.
Style and quickness don't really matter. Since consumers already know how fast electric vehicles can go, they don't put too much emphasis on speed. Therefore, the explosion of electric power-assisted vehicles in the future is inevitable.
Limitations when using electric power-assisted vehicles
According to electric vehicle users, when it rains and the roads are flooded, it will not be convenient when there is no public charging station or infrastructure for e-bikes. Traffic congestion and battery charging both quickly drain the battery. At the same time, poor infrastructure, flooding or traffic jams also reduce consumer enthusiasm for e-bikes.
Fuel price
87.7% of customers said they would continue to use electric power assist vehicles despite lower gas costs. Demand for electric two-wheelers is not much affected by fuel (petrol) prices.
Trend results
Nowadays, people are more and more interested in electric power-assisted vehicles in particular and electric two-wheelers in general because of the variety of designs and colors, suitable costs as well as practicality and technology. move. Users now have a clear distinction between electric motorbikes and electric bicycles, are more knowledgeable about them and have a more positive attitude towards them. Users give safety, then vehicle size, think the most. What is least appreciated is style and speed. In terms of style and speed, ease of loading and smooth operation are appreciated.
Despite some limitations, electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular among young people who are constantly ready to adopt and accept new technologies.
Understanding how electric two-wheelers are being used and the market demand for electric vehicles in general and electric power-assisted vehicles in particular will help manufacturers improve and innovate their products as well as meet their needs. Responding to consumer tastes, desires and implementing new technology on the right marketing strategy to increase market share and reach.
ADO D30 Lite electric power assisted bicycle
ADO E-bike recognizes the explosion of electric power-assisted vehicles in the future, so we always update the latest and most modern electric vehicles today. If you need to buy an electric car, please contact ADO right away!